What is Myofascial Release?
What is John Barnes' Myofascial Release?
MFR is a very long sustained but gentle stretch and compression of the “fascia” (the tissue which surrounds all the cells in the body).
What does MFR do?
Myofascial Release Techniques help release soft tissue tension and scar tissue in fascia deep at the cellular level. MFR (myofascial release) can provide long lasting results for relieving back pain, neck pain, tension, spasms, and even fibromyalgia pain. MFR works by using light but prolonged hold stretching and compression of tissues allowing fluid to move into the cellular level to release the fascia for a more long lasting and often times permanent result.
Myofascial Release is very relaxing and calming, helping to release powerful substances in the brain and body such as “serotonin”, “endorphins”, and “interleukin 8”, which are used in the body’s healing and pain relief responses.
Who can MFR help?
MFR is gentle and is safe for adults, children, infants, seniors, even frail elderly or very sick patients. There are a few precautions for treatment and we will do an extensive interview and evaluation to ensure it is safe for you to have MFR treatment.
What is “Fascia”?
The fascia is the tissue that provides the structure, fluids, nutrients, and protection for all the cells in the body. Trauma or inflammation causes this tissue to become very stuck together and hardened, which creates scar tissue. This tissue can pull on structures in the body with a force of 2000 lbs / square inch leading to postural changes which stress the joints and muscles and can cause arthritis, degeneration of discs in the spine, difficulty with movement and balance, weakness, stiffness, soreness, and inflammation.
John Barnes technique is unique even in the “myofascial release” realm. Myofascial Release has been around since the mid 1900’s and different versions by many different practitioners exist. The difference with John Barnes variation of the myofascial release technique is the very long, slow holds, and a lighter touch. It is much more gentle than many other deep massage or myofascial techniques. There is also an “energetic” component and an encouragement for the patient to “unwind” in a full body way, not just at the particular area of treatment or symptoms and to release stored emotional trauma as well.
For more information on John Barnes please visit myofascialrelease.com.